Wee Care Developmental Centre
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Delete this item from the media gallery? It will also be deleted from any related story update.
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The campaign video will appear in social media and email.
The campaign cover picture will appear in social media and email.
The will appear at the top of your campaign page and in social media and email.
Reset ?
It will be removed from the top of your campaign and won't be used as default in social media and email. The will remain in the media gallery.
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Delete this story update?
Any pictures or videos will remain in the campaign's media gallery.
Mission Statement
At Wee Care Developmental Centre we strive to maximize abilities in all children as we provide education opportunities and support services to children and their families.
Our Vision
At Wee Care Developmental Centre we believe that all children should be afforded the same opportunities as their peers regardless of their ability. We want all children to experience the differences and similarities in the people who make up our community. Acceptance and tolerance is the ultimate vision of the future.
Organization campaigns
Profile privacy settings
Stats and activity can only be shown when the profile is public.
It might take up to 3 minutes until changes appear for visitors.